Getting To Know Your Kapha!

  • By Akshata
  • 14 Jan, 2013

The main location of Kapha is in the chest. Its important to do a regular ‘pranayama’ (deep breathing) to keep the respiratory channel open and strong during this season. When Kapha dosha becomes aggravated or imbalanced then mucous increases, leading to colds, sinus congestion, allergies and asthma. It is believed the English word “cough” comes from the Sanskrit word Kapha.

Per Ayurveda, the Kapha times are 6 am to 10 am in the morning and 6 pm to 10 pm in the evening. Kapha season is an ideal time for cleansing and detoxification of your body, emotions and the surroundings you live in.

Banyan Botanicals recommends using herbs Bibhitaki, Chitrak and Punarnava  the primary herbs used to remove excess kapha from the body and maintain balance. All of these herbs can be found in  Healthy Kapha herbal tablets.

Another important arm of Ayurveda is Yoga. There are many beneficial asanas one can perform to bring balance. Favor asanas that are challenging, bring heat to the body and are vigorous in nature. One of the popular asanas that balances kapha dosha is Sun Salutations.

Knowing your prakruti (constitution) is vital in understanding and balancing your health. Celebrate this season by being warm and cozy and don’t forget to sip your hot ginger tea!

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