Amla and Feminine Health

  • By Akshata
  • 21 Jul, 2015

According to Ayurveda, a woman’s health is directly related to her menstrual cycles. Regular menstrual cycle is not just meant for conception and pregnancy.

This process aids in detoxification of our bodily toxins and is highly regarded in Ayurveda for every woman to feel grounded, feminine, and most importantly get connected with her inner Self during this time. Unfortunately for most women and especially in the western world, menstruation is considered to be a hindrance in day-to-day activities.

Amla also know as Amalaki in Sanskrit is a popular fruit widely available in India and extensively used in Ayurveda for thousands and thousands of years. The literal translation of Amla is ‘sour’ but the deeper meaning and translation of Amalaki in Sanskrit is ‘immortality’! because of it’s powerful healing attributes.

How I use Amla?

I personally use Amalaki powder on a daily basis during the summer season to pacify my pitta dosha and also use it regularly during my monthly cycles.

During our monthly cycle, it’s very important according to Ayurveda to keep the Apana Vata (the downward flow) in balance. This sub-dosha pretty much controls the menstrual flow and is located in the lower abdomen. Amla or Amalaki is an excellent Ayurvedic herb to balance this Apana Vata which results in healthy and regular menstrual cycle. It strengthens the uterus and improves the reproductive health.

Another added bonus of including Amla in our daily diet is – it contains all the five of the six rasas (tastes) of Ayurveda except the salty taste. This aids in optimal digestion and metabolism resulting in Ojas! (balanced life energy). Optimal digestion results in optimal ojas which in turn builds strong immunity and strength.

Balanced life energy (Ojas) supports female health by making the skin lustrous, eyes glowing, mental equilibrium ( no mood swings), glowing complexion with an overall charismatic and warm personality.

Quick List Why Women Should Use Amla?

  • Promotes strength and immunity against diseases
  • One of the highest sources of Vitamin C and other important minerals (enhances glow and luster)
  • Regulates Urinary Tract by being a natural diuretic
  • Boosts cellular re-generation
  • Aids in menstrual cramps
  • Alleviates feeling of sadness
  • Promotes regular bowel movement
  • Eases constipation
  • Tridoshic – balances body and mind
  • Encourages weight loss and reduces bloating (by optimal digestion and elimination)
  • Deeply detoxifies the tissues in the body

Try it to believe the un-ending benefits of this rejuvenative herb called Amla. There are many ways to having this Amla powder in your daily diet. You can simply mix it with warm/hot water and drink it. You can also try one of my most popular smoothie using Amla, it’s called Blissful Nari Smoothie.

I buy my Amla from Banyan Botanicals as they sell USDA certified organic herbs which undergo rigorous testing for quality and heavy metals.

I will end my post with Sage Charaka’s saying “Amalaki is the best among rejuvenative herbs”.

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