Jeeva Lifestyle 

The Ayurveda spice mixes you will buy on this website will be of the highest quality. The spice mixes are hand-made in small batches in AN authentic AyurvedA method. 

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All Purpose Vedic Spice Mix

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Product Details

The 'All Purpose Vedic Spice Mix' as the name says is a versatile Ayurveda mixture that can be used in any savory dish you prepare at home. The carefully crafted spice blend helps to refine your taste buds and re-ignite your digestive agni for optimum digestion.

Ayurveda says 'digestive fire (agni) is the cause of health and dis-ease. Good balanced digestive fire leads to optimum digestion resulting in good health in body-mind and bestows longevity! The first step of digestion starts on the tongue and it is crucial in Ayurveda the food you eat should be sattvicly delicious! When the tongue is happy it sends message to the stomach to release the right digestive enzymes.

Ideas: This spice mix blends well with any multi- cuisine dish. It goes great in soups, stews, roasted veggie dishes, and yes it makes AMAZING burrito mix! Make sure you cook this spice blend in any dish you prepare.

Benefits: This spice mix helps with any kind of vata imbalances and overall is good for all doshas.

Ingredients: Coriander, Cumin, Fennel, Jaggery (unrefined cane sugar), Salt and other spices.

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